

Our Online Ergonomic assessment (Zoom; 45min) will help you to adjust your home office the right way so that you can prevent the straining of your body parts and decrease the risk of musculoskeletal complications.

By purchasing this product, you have the option to send us your preferred day and time. We will contact you shortly after your purchase.

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Our Online Ergonomic assessment (Zoom; 45min) will help you to adjust your home office the right way so that you can prevent the straining of your body parts and decrease the risk of musculoskeletal complications.

We will send you a file with a checklist which will suggest your own personal needs. These needs will be taken into account and together we will set up the correct workstation tailored to the nature of your work and body requirements. We will also follow up with you, to make sure that the plan works well and the adjustments are supporting you in everyday tasks!
Zlé držanie tela a taktiež dlhodobá nesprávna pracovná biomechanika môžu zaťažovať naše svaly a kĺby. Účinky sú zvyčajne kumulatívne (to znamená, že sa hromadia počas dní, týždňov, mesiacov alebo dokonca rokov) a vedú k problémom, napriklad ako sú opakované poranenia, namáhanie krku, bolesti chrbta atd.

Tretinu nášho života trávime v práci takže investície do vytvárania pracovného prostredia ktoré podporuje naše well-being, sú nevyhnutné. Obdržiavame veľmi dobrú spätnú väzbu od klientov o našej podpore pri zlepšovaní ich pohodlia pri práci; Keď sa telo cíti pohodlnejšie, ovplyvní to myseľ tým správnym smerom.
By purchasing this product, you have the option to send us your preferred day and time. We will contact you shortly after your purchase.


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