We offer various Physio Disciplines
We are proud of our Physical Therapy / Physiotherapy clinic in Santry, which offers a wide range of comprehensive services specialised for injuries and chronic pain; some of which include: lower back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, neck pain and much more.
Náš tím fyzikálnych terapeutov, masážnych terapeutov a výživových koacov poskytuje osobnú lekársku starostlivosť v kombinácii s holistickým prístupom, aby vás podporili najlepším možným spôsobom.
Zaviazali sme sa poskytovať čo najviac harmonické vedenie, ktoré vám pomôže v rýchlom a ľahkom zotavení.
Physical Therapy / Physiotherapy
Your personal physical therapy begins with a questionnaire and then follows with a comprehensive consultation of functional limitations and areas of pain.
Find out MoreSuché Jehly
Suché jehly v kombinácii s technikami ručného manuálneho uvoľňovania fungujú naozaj dobre na urýchenie procesu zotavenia úrazov alebo chronických bolestí.
Find out MoreRehabilitácie
In some injuries and chronic pain cases, home rehabilitation exercise is not enough to target the specific needs of a patient’s recovery.
Find out MoreMasáže
We offer variations of massage therapy styles ranging from Sport, Swedish, Holistic, On- Site, Deep Tissue, Myofascial Release, and Muscle Energetic Techniques
Find out MoreAnalýza Celého Tela
Recent medicinal research has shown that the best way for a professional to treat any pain or dysfunction is to focus on the individual/client from a whole, all-inclusive perspective.
Find out MorePorozumenie Bolesti
In our clinic, we can provide a combination of cognitive behavioural therapy, manual therapy and exercise (rehabilitation).
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Insurance Cooperation
We already helped hundreds of people with their chronic pain and sport injuries. We improved their activity of daily living, returned them to sports, restored and made them well. We also saved their money for surgeries and improved their life by concentration on drug free therapy.
Náš tím fyzioterapeutov / fyzikálnych terapeutov sú vysoko kvalifikovaní odborníci, ktorí pomocou najnovšieho vedeckého výskumu obnovia vaše zdravie tým najefektívnejším spôsobom. Dôkladne vyhodnocujeme a pracujeme so všetkými prospievajúcimi faktormi súvisiace s vaším problémom
Patria sem okrem iného vaše pracovné a domáce stresové faktory, celkový stav tela, zdravá výživa / stravovacie návyky, genetické alebo anatomické usporiadanie (stavba tela) a emočné väzby, ktoré sa často ukotvujú vo vašich svaloch.
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Our Advantages
Personalized Treatment
Receive an individualized treatment made especially for youComfortable Clinic
Our clinic feels like a comfortable health & fitness centerLicensed Therapists
All our therapists are licensed and experiencedPractitioners Network
We will work closely with all your health practitionersNewest Research
Our staff is applying scientific evidence/informed approachTherapy Goals
Setting goals is the best way to enjoy a successful outcomechronic pain with gradual onset, we welcome the chance to help you.